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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam interdum gravida ullamcorper. Etiam dictum, elit nec egestas malesuada, lectus purus feugiat nisl, gravida placerat nisi eros quis enim. Nunc bibendum, odio ut fermentum cursus, dui elit tempor turpis, non scelerisque mi nisi et ipsum. Nullam quis nibh in nibh condimentum sagittis. Mauris vitae sagittis augue. Nullam tristique, felis vitae fermentum bibendum, mi nisl dictum sem, eget blandit libero nibh non purus. Nulla elementum elementum lorem, ut volutpat diam. Donec ac nunc sit amet ligula consequat sodales. Nam viverra, nunc nec feugiat pharetra, quam nibh facilisis justo, ac ullamcorper neque arcu quis urna. Quisque dignissim nulla aliquet facilisis faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Nulla sodales turpis vel ex feugiat porta. Curabitur dapibus lectus et erat mollis pretium.

In vitae ipsum nec sapien vehicula efficitur in et est. Nulla nunc massa, congue quis mauris vel, ornare pharetra ante. Etiam erat quam, faucibus mollis dapibus at, pharetra vitae leo. Vestibulum in ultricies massa, eget fermentum lacus. Donec pellentesque ut turpis iaculis vestibulum. Donec accumsan ligula sed leo pulvinar consectetur. Maecenas blandit, metus euismod posuere auctor, orci lorem fringilla lorem, non molestie dui sem sit amet magna. Phasellus quis laoreet purus, sed facilisis dui. Suspendisse ornare nisl eget lectus auctor, at malesuada erat porta. Ut quis fermentum diam. Nullam a euismod dui. Curabitur facilisis rhoncus lorem non blandit. Donec suscipit interdum ante. Integer venenatis, nisl at tempor elementum, sapien mi accumsan orci, sollicitudin suscipit tellus dui ac tortor. Morbi nisl nunc, vehicula at diam ac, ullamcorper gravida libero. Phasellus tempus fringilla purus, ac fringilla quam sagittis vel.

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Mark Johnston
Mark Johnston
17 October 2023
Highly recommended, we bought our property in 2016 and we still use Madeleine for all her contacts and help for new work. If we bought again I wouldn't go anywhere else.
peter long
peter long
12 August 2023
From start to finish dealing with Madeleine was fantastic. We didn't buy our property from Madeleine but she used all her years of experience in the Italian market to help us secure our dream home and provided great consultancy services. Great advice and always available to answer the smallest questions Madeleine made us fell like family.
Karen Aloe
Karen Aloe
30 March 2023
I have known Madeleine for some years, purchased my property through her, extremely knowledgeable & professional. Her attention to detail is second to none! She goes beyond the call of duty to make sure you have a 1st class experience & will see you through your journey / the buying process from start to finish taking care of everything along the way… you can 💯 put your trust in her that she will do the best job for you in your search for your Dream home… & beyond 🤩
Daniella Therese Krol Lundtang
Daniella Therese Krol Lundtang
25 March 2023
We had been looking for an apartment in Italy for some years, when we met Madeleine. We quickly found the perfect location and apartment in Predore, by Lake Iseo. All the way through the process, from first showing of the apartment, to signing of the contract at the notary's, Madeleine has been of great help! She was always available for questions and concerns, which she still is. Since we took over the apartment, Madeleine has been such an amazing help in relation to translation when agreeing with contractors, planning of renovation of kitchen, visits to IKEA etc. Madeleine never says no to help you, which is really comforting when buying an apartment in a foreign country. Madeleine gets our warmest recommendations, if you want to buy an apartment, or a house in Italy.
Michaela S.
Michaela S.
20 March 2023
Madeleine Morgan weiß genau, was sie tut und hat sehr viel Erfahrung. Sie ist äußerst professionell und vertrauenswürdig, ehrlich und transparent. Auf Fragen und Anliegen hat sie immer schnell und zuverlässig reagiert. Selbst wenn Schwierigkeiten bzw. Missverständnisse auftraten, blieb Madeleine immer ruhig und gelassen. Sie hat äußerst geduldig Sachverhalte - bei Bedarf auch immer wieder - erklärt. Madeleine tut weit mehr, als sie müsste, denn auch nach Abschluss des eigentlichen Kaufvertrages organisiert sie zusammen mit ihrer Kollegin Cristina alles, was noch erledigt werden muss, wie z.B. den Abschluss einer Versicherung oder die Anmeldung von Strom, Gas und Wasser, was übrigens in Italien zu einem äußerst komplizierten und langwierigen Prozedere werden kann...
Dean Johnston
Dean Johnston
13 March 2023
A Pleasure to deal with Lake Iseo Properties very professional.